Dr Jitendra Singh will preside over the 12th All India Pension Adalat

New Delhi, Feb 12, 2025, By Our Correspondent
The Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare will conduct the 12 th Nation-wide Pension Adalat under the chairmanship of Dr. Jitendra Singh, Minister of State for Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions at New Delhi on 13 th February, 2025. The Adalat will be conducted in the presence of Shri V Srinivas, Secretary, DoPPW, Ms Shankari Murali, Addl, CGA, Shri A N Das Addl CGDA, Ms Deepika Jain, CC (Pension),Shri Rokhum Lal Remruata, CCA (MHA) and Shri Dhrubajyoti Sengupta, JS (DoPPW). The cases which have been pending for more than 120 days for redressal shall be taken up in the Adalat. Senior officers and nodal officers from16 Departments will be participating in the Adalat.Redressal of pensioner’s Grievances is a high priority area for the Government. Keeping in view the mandate to ensure welfare of Central Government pensioners, Pension Adalats are organized by DOPPW. These Pension Adalats provide a single platform where the concerned stakeholders, viz., Ministries/Departments/CPAO/ Banks are brought together for on-the-spot resolution of long pending grievances, to the satisfaction of the petitioner. Pension Adalats also provide an additional forum for redressal of pension related grievances obviating the need to approach Courts for litigation.With a view to redress chronic grievances, the system of holding Pension Adalat has been introduced since September, 2017 when the first Pension Adalat was held. Continuing this initiative forward, till December, 2024, eleven Pension Adalats, including thematic Pension Adalats have been organised.In all Pension Adalats across the country, 18,005 cases have been resolved with a success rate of more than 71 percent.The 12th Pension Adalat will focus on resolution of long outstanding Pension Cases. The Pension Adalat would be attended by 16 Ministries/Departments including Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Defence, CPAO, CBDT, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Ministry of Railways amongst others. 180 cases pertaining to Ministries will be discussed.The Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare seeks to ensure empowerment of Central Government pensioners through such Pension Adalats, by speedy resolution of their grievances.