Cash Assistance for Jhum Cultivation in Tripura Tribal Area Autonomous District Council

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Agartala, Jan 19, 2024, By Our Correspondent

 In a move to address the challenges faced by tribal farmers in Tripura's district, the Tripura Tribal Area Autonomous District Council (TTAADC) has implemented a unique system to provide financial aid to those engaged in intercultural operations, such as hardcore jhumia.Jhum cultivation, though not considered environmentally friendly, continues to be a prevalent practice among tribal communities in the region. The lack of viable alternatives for their livelihood has made it difficult for these communities to abandon traditional jhum cultivation practices.According to recent reports, the TTAADC has initiated a cash assistance program, providing an amount of one thousand rupees to support jhumia families in their agricultural endeavors. In Tripura, approximately thirty thousand rupees have been disbursed to around thirty beneficiaries under this scheme.During discussions between students from the Economics Department of Tripura University and high-ranking officials in TTAADC, it was revealed that tribal farmers face numerous challenges related to land issues. The transition from jhum cultivation to plain land cultivation is hindered by a lack of knowledge and capacity to adopt new farming technologies among the tribal communities.The initiative aims to address not only the economic concerns of tribal farmers but also the environmental impact of jhum cultivation. Despite its long-standing tradition, the practice has raised concerns regarding its sustainability and ecological effects.It is essential to recognize the broader context of the issues faced by tribal farmers, particularly the need for comprehensive solutions that encompass both economic and environmental aspects. The ongoing efforts by the TTAADC reflect a commitment to supporting local communities while considering the larger implications on the environment. The success of such initiatives hinges on the collaborative efforts of authorities, educational institutions, and the local population to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for the tribal communities in Tripura..