Training on Fast Food to Empower women by PNB-RSETI

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Agartala, Jun 29, 2024, By Our Correspondent

Today marked the successful conclusion of the Fast Food Stall Udyami training program, which saw the participation of 31 eager trainees, including 30 women and one man. This initiative aimed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to run their own fast food stalls, fostering entrepreneurial spirit and self-reliance.The event was graced by two distinguished guests: Sanjoy Nandi, Senior Manager at PNB Udaipur, and Avijit Chakraborty, the Director of the program. Both guests addressed the participants, emphasizing the importance of such training in empowering local communities and boosting the local economy.Nandi highlighted the role of financial institutions like PNB in supporting small entrepreneurs through various schemes and loans, ensuring that the trainees can apply their newly acquired skills effectively. Director Chakraborty praised the dedication and enthusiasm of the participants, expressing confidence that they would succeed in their ventures and serve as role models for others in the community.The training covered various aspects of running a fast food stall, including food safety, menu planning, customer service, and basic accounting. Participants left the program with not only enhanced skills but also a renewed sense of confidence and determination.The successful completion of this training batch represents a significant step forward in the region’s development, with new entrepreneurs poised to contribute positively to the local economy