Four more railway pantry car workers arrested for ganja smuggling
Agartala, Nov 18, 2024, By Our Correspondent
Two days after the arrest of two railway pantry car workers of Deoghar Express, the GRP have arrested four more in connection with ganja smuggling, an official said on Monday. The four arrested railway pantry car include Bikash Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Gautam Kumar and Sushil Kumar, all from Bihar.“They were arrested based on the confessional statement by two arrested pantry care workers of Deoghar express on Friday night. They are involved in ganja smuggling through distance train”, OC, Agartala GRP police station, Tapas Das told reporters. According to sources, the y have been smuggling ganja through long distance trains for a long days befooling the law enforcement agencies. Previously, only passengers were arrested for illegal activities. Earlier, two workers of Deoghar Express pantry car were arrested with ganja worth Rs. 35.76 lakh at Agartala railway station, police said on Sunday.The duo were identified as Ankul Kumar and Bittu Kumar, both from Bihar. Based on specific inputs about possible smuggling of ganja, GRP and RPF personnel condoned off Deoghar Express on Saturday night. “Around 6.30 pm, two workers of pantry car were spotted moving with one pushcart towards Deoghar Express. On suspicious ground, the joint team stopped the pushcart and asked the kind of materials they were carrying. On being searched, we found ganja in one of the packets and thereafter, 282 packets carrying on pushcart – all contained ganja were recovered. Accordingly both were arrested with 298 kg ganja worth Rs. 35.76 lakh”, Officer in Charge (OC), Agartala GRP police station, Tapas Das told the reporters. The two arrested pantry car workers identified as Ankul Kumar and Bittu Kumar have revealed that they were trying to take the consignment to Bihar.