Job aspirants stage protest in front of Jaynagar Fire Station

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Agartala, Jun 14, 2024, By Our Correspondent

Agartala: June 14: In Agartala, the capital of Tripura, job aspirants staged a protest in front of the Jaynagar Fire Station on Thursday. Their demand was for the completion of the recruitment exam for the Tripura Fire Service. However, during their demonstration, several job aspirants were detained by the police.

The aspirants claim that a notification was issued in 2022 for the recruitment of 329 posts in the Tripura Fire Service. While physical and written examinations were conducted shortly after, the oral examination has not yet taken place. Consequently, the recruitment process remains incomplete.

Their primary demand is for the immediate conduct of the oral examination and the subsequent completion of the recruitment process. Additionally, they allege irregularities in the overall recruitment process.