Panchayat Polls : Cong goes local level adjustment with CPM

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Agartala, Jun 19, 2024, By Our Correspondent

The Congress is likely to go for ‘local level understanding’ with its ally CPI(M) in the upcoming panchayat elections scheduled to be held in July, said a party leader on Wednesday.The assertion came day after PCC president Asish Kumar Saha’s crucial meeting with the party district presidents and leaders of frontal organizations at district level at Congress Bhavan.“I had a meeting with the party’s district level leaders on the strategy for the coming panchayat elections. Leaders from the state level also remained present in the meeting. The leaders expressed their opinion on the alliance and it was conveyed that the district level leaders will take decisions as and when it (alliance) requires”, Saha told the media.Claiming that there was no broadly to fight the election forging alliance with the CPI(M), the PCC president said the party has already begun preparation for the battle for the panchayat by appointing observers for block level.“In Tripura, the people are not able to cast their vote of their choice ever since the BJP came to power in 2018. Threats, intimidation and attacks are being carried out during the election process. We urged the state election commissioner to introduce online submission of nomination as it was carried out in West Bengal so that candidates could submit their papers. Now, it is to be seen how the state election panel moves forward “, he said.Saha further said the party also demanded deployment of  central paramilitary force during the election to make it free, fair and peaceful.