Bangladeshi Nationals Illegally Entering Tripura with Assistance from Brokers

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Agartala, Jun 26, 2024, By Our Correspondent

Agartala, June 26: The India-Bangladesh border has become a conduit for illegal entry into Tripura by Bangladeshi nationals, facilitated by both Indian and Bangladeshi brokers. Despite efforts by the Border Security Force (BSF) and the police’s intelligence branch, these brokers continue to operate with impunity, allowing undocumented individuals to infiltrate the state. Once inside Tripura, these individuals disperse to various parts of the country via rail networks.

Agartala railway station witnesses frequent apprehensions of Bangladeshi nationals. Sources reveal that traffickers lure Bangladeshi women with promises of employment, only to exploit them later. Some are sold into brothels, while others are coerced into prostitution. Recently, Agartala Government Railway Police (GRP) arrested an Indian broker along with four Bangladeshi women, two of whom were en route to Pune and the other two to Ahmedabad. The arrested women—Mim Sultana, Rubaya Sultana, Ritu Begum, and Jyoti Khatun—had entered Tripura illegally. The Indian citizen assisting them, Mohammad Qasim Mia, hails from Sepahijala district. Legal proceedings have been initiated against the accused at Agartala GRP police station, and they were presented in court on Wednesday.

Despite previous crackdowns, human trafficking networks remain active in the state. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed chargesheets against several traffickers, yet the problem persists. The government’s response and commitment to curbing illegal immigration and human trafficking will be closely observed.