World Meitei Tripura Unit Sends Relief Supplies to Manipur

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Agartala, Jun 26, 2024, By Our Correspondent


Agartala: June 26: The World Meitei Tripura Unit has sent relief supplies to the people of Manipur who are taking shelter in relief camps.

Mutum Amit Sinha, the General Secretary of the Committee, said that Manipur has been witnessing an inferno-like situation for the past one year. Many houses have been damaged. Today, on the initiative of the World Meitei Tripura Unit, food items and various clothes were sent for the people of Manipur.

He further said that due to the heated situation there, many people have become homeless and are taking shelter in relief camps. Therefore, food items and relief supplies have been sent for the people who have taken shelter in relief camps in Manipur.