Dharmanagar Police Apprehends Smugglers Transporting cannabis in Unconventional Manner

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Agartala, Feb 19, 2024, By Our Correspondent


Agartala, February 18: In an ongoing battle against cannabis smuggling, the Dharmanagar police station achieved a significant breakthrough on Monday. Five women and one man, all hailing from Bihar, was apprehended while attempting to transport ganja using an innovative method.

 A total of 17 kg 756 grams of ganja, neatly packed into 26 packets, was recovered from the suspects.The operation began when an auto driver alerted the Dharmanagar Police Station about suspicious activity near the Dharmanagar ISBT. The driver suspected that the bag carried by the group might contain marijuana.

Responding promptly, officers from the Dharmanagar police station rushed to the scene and detained a man and five women. After investigations revealed that the smugglers had traveled from Jirania to Kumarghat by road. From there, they took an auto to the Dharmanagar ISBT, intending to continue their journey to Bihar by car.

The state of Bihar reportedly experiences considerable demand for cannabis. As a result, some traffickers from Bihar procure cannabis from neighboring states and sell it at inflated prices within Bihar. Notably, women and children are often used as carriers to transport ganja from other states to Bihar.

The arrested individuals have been identified as Vikas Mandal, Kavita Devi, Kajal Devi, Rinku Devi, Ranju Devi, and Suman Devi, all residents of Bihar.

The suspects will be presented before the court today, as the police continue their efforts to curb drug trafficking in the region.